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The Artist

I paint for myself, first and foremost. I enjoy my art, I enjoy learning and experimenting. I also enjoy other people's thoughts on how a certain piece made them feel, or made them think.

Being controversial or edgy in my artwork is not my style, so you won't find political, religious or any other controversial subject matter as mentioned above, as I prefer they do not marry with my art in an obvious way. There is enough high tension stress in this world and what I create is an escape from that. 
I find the most pleasure in creating fantasy and mysterious paintings. I am fascinated by our universe and all the beauty there is to see, as well as in our own backyards.  
My artist background is self taught and I am deeply passionate about spending time with a canvas and  paint, intertwined with a great imagination and a drive for the unknown stories out there.
And you are very welcome to follow me on my journey.

~ MelanieJoy

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