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To My Wild Rose

74To My Wild Rose oil on canvas melaniejoyart

For my big sister Sheri's Birthday

And even though we can't spend the time together, I have been working on something for her.  I started it some time ago but due to regular life stuff, I have been unable to complete it. I don't even have a name yet.  I am not going to explain what the rest will look like as that would ruin the total surprise for her, but just know she likes black and white in her pictures.

She has taught me many wonderful things, watched out for me, contributed money and time to me and those she loves just to see us smile (like a plane ticket for me cross country, just to see my Dad's face when I arrive for his birthday).

I know she has fought battles for me that I will never know about and would take the head of any one not willing to be a good friend. And she has watched more cheesy horror movies with me than I can count, embarrassed me at restaurants and cooked some amazing suppers for me.  She has let me into her life with her and her son and allowed me to share in that joy.

And she has supported me immensely with my painting, encouraging me more than she can possibly know.

I completed my sister's birthday present. Thankfully she is very patient with me and knows that a rushed work of art, is not a work of art - at least in my case. 

I didn't name it until just the other day, when I came across a beautiful piece of piano.  It quickly rushed me to my childhood and the time my sister and I would spend playing in our mother's beautiful garden. Perhaps we played it as children in piano lessons?  I don't know why it brought me to that time but I love that it did. And the sound of the birds really amplified the effect.
I was going to initially name this 'The Valley of the Rose' or something similar, but when I heard this music and felt my sister beside me as kids, I knew this was what I wanted to call it.

So, for you my dear sister Sheri, my wild Rose <3.

Music; To A Wild Rose ~ Edward MacDowell (will open in a new window)
this version done by Dan Gibson.